The 4 Row Card Trick

Here's a nice and baffling card trick. Heck, I don't even know how it works. But first, setup the cards in this order: Ace, Two, Three, Four in the same suit. Set that up for all suits. so now, you should have four piles of cards that look like:
A.....A A A
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
ok? (note: you can do this with the whole deck, it just takes longer to setup.) Have the cards in their suits running down their row
like that. Show the audience that they're all in order. Then, put all the different rows of cards into a pile. (not the deck.) (note: if anything gets out of order, the trick will completely mess up and you'll look stupid.) Then, cut the cards and put the bottom part on top like a regular cut. You can only cut like this. But, you can cut as many times as you want, and the trick will still work. But for more magic effect, let a member from the audience cut the cards, just to show you aren't doing anything suspicious. Then, declare Here comes the magic part. deal out the cards in four different piles. One at a time. Four piles also, since you only used four cards for each suit. Then, say anything like abracadabra or viola! you should have all Aces, twos, threes, and fours in their own seperate piles. The audience should be amazed, seeing as you've done nothing suspicious.

