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Ice Baby Magic Trick
Effect of magic trick Pour some water into a cup, blow on the cup and then turn it upside down where out pops some ice cubes. You need a cup or glass that you can't see through. You also need a small sponge and and some ice cubes. Method of magic tr...
Rabbit from silks
Here's a good trick if you want to do that rabbit stuff. You can replace the rabbit for something else if you want. Effect : A live rabbit appears inside a bundle of large silks. Magic Secret : Take one silk, and lay it down flat. Then take a rabbit and...
The Floating Ring - an magic trick
Make some really thick salt water. REALLY thick. soak a piece of thread in it somewhere between 45 and 60 minutes. take it out and let it dry. Now you are ready. Ask someone for a ring. Tie it to the end of the thread. Hold the string so its like a pendul...
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The Floating Ring - an magic trick
Rabbit from silks
Ice Baby Magic Trick
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Ice Baby Magic Trick
Rabbit from silks
The Floating Ring - an magic trick