The Bottom Card
Effect: You guess the bottom card without even looking at it (or so your audience thinks.)
1. Look at the bottom card of the deck.
2. Shuffle the cards but not the bottom one. Leave the bottom card on the bottom. You can tell everyone that you aren't a very good shuffler.
3. Place the deck face down on the table.
4. Name four numbers in the deck (making sure that the card on the bottom is amongst them.) Have
a spectator choose two of the numbers.
5. Let's say your card is a Four and you named a Three, Five, Four, and Nine. They picked the Five and Nine. Say, OK pick out of the Three and Four. If they say three say okay then the bottom card is a Three.
6. Now tell them to pick two of the four suits. If your card is a Four of Spades and they pick Hearts and Diamonds, tell them to pick one out of Spades and Clubs. If they say Spades say OK the card should be a Three of Spades.
7. Now turn over the deck and your audience will be amazed.
8. Remember the object of the trick is to get the person to pick the card on the bottom of the deck, so make sure you lead them to the right numbers and suits.