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Card On The Ceiling Street Magic Card Trick
Card On The Ceiling Street Magic Card Trick Effect: A spectator selects, signs and returns a card to the deck. The deck is then shuffled and the card that they signed, sticks to the ceiling while the others fall. Preparation: You will need a pen...
10 Card Trick
Assume you’re going to get three spectators to assist you. Ask one of them to shuffle the deck and take any ten cards for himself. Have the other spectators do the same. Take the remaining cards and set them aside. "When I turn away, I’d like each ...
11th Card Variation
Count out 21 cards and lay them face down on a flat surface. Ask a person to take one card and memorize it, then place it back on the table without showing you (of course.) Mix the cards and then deal them, face up, into seven rows of three cards each. As...
2 Card Flight
Effect: Two cards are selected by two spectators. When the crowd is asked if they would like to see a card fly visible or invisible the magicians compromises and shows both ways. First invisible and finally visible. Both ways are very impressive and if yo...
2 Card Monte
Effect: Performer gives spectator a heart faced card (say it is an ace of hearts) face down between the thumb and index finger. Performer then gives spectator a diamond face card (the ace of diamonds) on top of the other card. The spectator thinks that he...
2 of a Kind
Effect: The magician picks out two cards. He has a spectator cut the deck. He flips over the cards that he picked, then he flips over two cards of the deck that was cut. The cards match. 1. Shuffle the deck so the specator doesn't think you've rigged i...
3 Card Monte
This will take some time but belive me its worth it this is my absoulut favorite card trick.. if you have any questions mail me!!! SETUP: you need the Ace of spades Ace of hearts and 1 Joker Card order: from top to bottom with the cards face down Ace o...
3 In a Row
The effect of the trick: The magician is able to discover a card chosen at random purely by card counting. Before you begin the trick: Take twelve cards from the pack, making sure you don't have four of the same value then arrange them into three pi...
3 Robbers and a Cop Variation
The magician places 3 Jacks in a deck, which he tells the audience are robbers. He places a Jack on top of the deck, one in the middle, and one at the bottom. The magician then places a King, which he says represents a cop, on the bottom of the deck. Magi...
4 Friendly Kings
Do the first 3 steps away from your audience or pre-prepared. 1) Take the four Kings out of the deck, and also two other cards. 2) Fan the four Kings out, and place the two other cards you selected behind the second King. Line them up so your audien...
4 Friendly Kings (Variation)
Effect: This trick is exactly like the 4 Friendly Kings above. However, this variation allows for less chance of making a mistake. The magician has three Kings in his hand, and tells the audience one of their friends is missing in the forest (represented ...
49er Fools Gold
Effect: Spectator selects a card from among 49 lying on the table, and the magician is able to find it, and even bet some fools gold on it. Card Trick: No preparation necessary. From an ordinary deck of cards (without the jokers) have a spectator se...
A Card in Flight!
Effect: After having a card selected, the performer drops the deck into a hat. Asking the person how many spots were on the noted card, the performer reaches into the hat and pretends to take out that many number of spots and flips them away. The spectato...
A card is selected and placed between two Black aces, in an instant the selected card disappears and then re-appears between two Red aces in the centre of the deck !
A spectator cuts the deck four times - each time he cuts to an Ace ! A Spectator is allowed to shuffle the deck. The magician takes the deck and holds it on the flat of his hand. The spectator is then asked to cut the deck at any point, he then turn...
A Cut Above the Rest
This is a sleight of hand trick which requires some practice. Well worth it for the effect. Sleight of hand required: Glimpsing the top card of the pack and also flipping the pack. Preparation required: You'll require a thick, large handkerchief that ca...
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