Faro Shuffle

* The faro, also known as the weave shuffle is a technique that perfectly interlaces the cards. It is not a false shuffle, but properly speaking a controlled shuffle. An out faro is one which retains the top and bottom cards after the shuffle..an in faro keeps changing the top and bottom cards. If 8 perfect out faros are perfomed, the deck will return to the original order it was in before the shuffles were performed. The shuffle can be made in the hands, or on the table which gives it the appe
rance of a tabled riffle shuffle. The in the hands method is, by far, the easier of the two and I will describe the method that I use.
* Square the sides and ends of the pack as evenly as possible with both hands. The left thumb and second finger press on the sides of the deck to square while the right thumb and second finger press on the ends of the pack to square them. The forefingers of each hand are curled on top and bottom of the deck respectively.
* The pack is turned on its side so that the left side now faces the performer. The right hand releases its grip while the left fingers assume the following position: At the front end of deck the tip of the left forefinger is placed. The ball of left thumb is slightly above center of deck on the left side. The left second, third and fourth fingers are on the right side of deck with the right side of deck pressing against the first creases of the left second and third fingers while the left fourth finger has its full tip pressing against the side.
* The right hand comes over to cut or break the pack. The left fourth finger moves out of the way so that the side of right second finger comes in contact against the left third finger. The right forefinger is curled on top. While the right second, third and fourth fingers press on the under side of the pack, theright thumb comes over, close to the left thumb and slightly below center, to break the pack exactly at 26.
* Having split the deck, place the two halves against each other at the corners only. Both hands move slightly inwards towards the body causing the packets to assume a slightly angular position.
* The grip of both hands must be firm to prevent any slipping of the cards in either packet. Also, the right forefinger presses down rather firmly on top of its packet causing a slight bow. The corner of the right hand packet is pressed firmly upwards against the corner of the left hand packet. At the same time, the right hand is moved sharply, but slightly, inwards for about a quarter of an inch. This upward and inward action causes the cards to start weaving.
* The right hand, still maintaining its upward pressure, moves its packet forward, easily, to its original position. This forward movement of the right hand packet causes the weave to complete itself. With practise, this upward and inward action of the packets will become very slight, almost unnoticeable.
* Push the packets together and square.

