Gambling Aces
To stack the deck you just need to place three nines on top. Place five spot cards on top of that (now would be a good time to mutter something like "Now where are those aces, hope you dont mind i have to stack the deck") now find the four aces and place them on top of that so now from the top of the deck (4 aces, 5 spot cards, and 3 nines.)
Patter: "A cardsharp was at a party when he decided to liven it up a bit. He slapped the deck down on the table... " Slap the deck down on th
table." ... and said, "who wants to play three handed poker?"
"Naturaly everyone gathered around. A wise guy asked, why three-handed poker?' The cardsharp told him, 'to make it easier.' The wise guy said 'I've seen this before. where are the four aces?' the card sharp said, 'right here on top just in case I need them.' " Deal the four aces face up on the table.
"The cardsharp said, 'Now I'll deal a few sample hands before we start betting .' " put the aces back on top. Deal four hands of three card each, including one hand to yourself. "The wise guy said, 'you just stacked the cards so you'd get the three aces .' the cardsharp said, 'Not at all. look-- one ace in each hand,' "
Pick up your hand and turn it over, showing that there is only one ace. Place the hand on top, do the same with the third hand, the second hand, and the first in that order--- each time placing the hand on top.
"The cardsharp said, 'Let's try another deal." again deal four hand of three cards each.
"The wise guy said, I've seen this. For sure you've stacked them this time. 'the cardsharp said, 'No way. look--- one ace in each hand." Show the hand exactly the same way as the first time.
"The cardsharp said, 'Now let's get down to business. one more deal.' "deal four hands of three cards each. "The cardsharp asked, 'Now who wants to make a bet?' the wise guy said, "I'll make a bet. you stalked the cards. I'll bet you twenty bucks you hold three aces.' The card sharp said, 'You're on, buddy. and you are dead wrong.' " Move your three card hand to one side. Now this is important: place the third hand on top of the deck followed by the second and then the first. "the cardsharp said, 'you're right about one thing--- I did stack the cards.' " turn over your hand showing three nines. "the wise guy forked over the money and said, 'what about the aces?' the cardsharp smiled and said, I told you. ""right here on top Just incase i need them"" As you say this deal off the top four cards face up.........