Hands off the Pack!
This is a trick which can be performed without ever handling or even seeing the cards.
Ask your friend to shuffle a pack of cards and then select any spot card. ie. not a picture card.
Turn your back so that you can't see what he is doing then ask him to place the selected card face down on top of the squared up pack. Now tell him to remove its value in cards from the bottom of the pack and place them on top of it - for instance if he chose the Seven of clubs , he simply ta
es seven cards from the bottom and puts them on the top, above his card. He must do this silently giving no clue as to the number of cards he is moving.
Next ask him to deal the cards from the top of the pack one at a time on to the table, and call out the name of each card in turn. He must deal the cards without giving any clue in his voice until he has gone right past his own card until you tell him to stop. Then you name his card.
Here's how the trick is done: When he calls out the cards, you simply ignore the first one, then in your head, count one, two, three, as he calls out the remainder. When he calls out a card which corresponds with the number you are counting, then this will usually be the card, but let him go on further for a few cards, then stop him and surprise him by naming his card.
Occasionally more than one card will correspond with your silent count but if this happens you have to guess which is his card and if he says no then straight away call out the other.