How'd You Do That

A Specific Deck is Needed

It can be any 52 (54 with joker) card deck, as long as a reversed card can be distinguished from the rest of the deck

The best to use is a deck with a pattern on the top that is identical, except for the boarder. If you can find a deck where one side of the boarder is slightly thicker from its opposite side, that's very good.

A deck with a picture can also be used.

1. First arrange all of the card with their pi
ture (or the thick boarder) in the same direction.

2. Have a spectator pick any card from anywhere in the deck.

3. (Here's the tricky part) Turn the deck around, so the pattern is in the opposite direction. *make sure the spectator doesn't see this!!!

4. Have the spectator place the card anywhere in the deck.

5. Shuffle/cut the cards in any fashion desireable, without mixing the pattern direction (the more shuffleing, the more confusion from the spectators).

6. Count out the cards in any way. You can even make it up. Just remember, the spectators card is the card with the reversed pattern

