Follow The Rules
Effect: A spectator takes a card, takes the rest of the deck and places their card on top. The spectator then hands the cards back to the Magician who insists that the spectator disobeyed the rules and placed their card in the middle of the deck instead of the top. The spectator denys this saying that they did in fact put the card on top. To prove them wrong the magician holds up the top card to reveal that the card is in fact the wrong one. The magician makes a point to say that the rules are i
portant and must be followed and instructs the spectator to remember the "new" card that was held up by the magician . The magician himself then places the card on top of the deck and makes sure everyone sees him/her do it. The magician finally proceeds with the real trick, shuffling the deck, then turning over the top card to reveal the "original" card that was supposedly lost before the trick was ever performed.
Card Trick:
This trick is simple if you know some fundamental skills but you must know them well. This trick is between intermediate and hard.
Required skills:
To do this trick you must be able to palm a card and false shuffle. make sure you can do these well before performing this trick. You must be able to do them very discretely without making it obvious.
1) Fan cards and invite spectator to take one.
2) Distract the player by talking, telling a story, or eyeballing them ... etc.
3) While they are distracted take the cards in one hand and pretend to square the deck. while "squaring" the cards slip the top card off the deck and palm it in your free hand.
4) Hand the cards to the spectator and tell them to place their card on top. Tell them its important that they follow the rules.
5) When they have completed this, take the cards back and tell them that you are now going to shuffle the deck.
6) Before you do, square the deck and place the palmed card on top. then stop and look the spectator in the eyes.
7) Say something like "I don't think you put the card on top. you put it in the middle didn't you? I told you to put it on top. You have to follow the rules. We'll have to start over now."
8) The spectator will deny this and insist that they put their card on top. tell them that you'll prove them wrong and ask them what their card was.
9) Hold up the top card and show them that it is not the card they chose but (important) don't look at the card.
10) Hand the card to them and tell them that this will be their new card. tell them to memorize it and show it to everyone but you.
11) While they are looking at the card, palm the top card of the deck in your hand
12) If you followed all the directions so far then the card you are palming is their "original pick"
13) Take the new card from them and place it on top of the deck so they can see you do it.
The rest of the trick is simple.
14) Square the deck placing the palmed card on top of the deck as before. this time their original card WILL be on top.
15) Shuffle the cards using a false shuffle so that their card stays on top and never moves. make sure it looks like they are giving it a good shuffle.
15a) As a variation you can have the spectator shuffle the cards before you place the palmed card on top.
16) Finally say some mumbo-jumbo magic stuff and turn over the top card. The card will be the original pick, your audience will be amazed.
Tell the spectator that rules or no rules, real magic never fails.