The Color Changing Aces
Effect: The magician deals the black aces face down on the table. A spectator chooses a card and places it face up between the aces. When the 3 cards are put back in the deck, the spec.'s card disappears from between the two black aces and reappears between the two red aces!
1. You must first place one red ace FACE UP on the bottom of the deck. On the top of the deck, place a black ace, the other red ace on top and the last black ace at the top of the deck.
2. Now t
present: Show the black ace on top to the audience and put it back on top of the deck. YOU MUST PICK UP THIS CARD THE SAME WAY AS YOU WOULD PICK UP TWO CARDS AS ONE. Without this the trick will look very fake. Now deal the black ace on to the table face down.
3. Now secure a finger break under the second card from the top (the other black ace) and lift up the top two cards. Show the black ace around and put both cards back on top of the deck. Now deal the TOP (red ace) card face down on to the table, slightly overlapping the first card, making sure nobody sees the face of it.
4. Now ask a spectator to choose a card and place it face up between the two cards so that it's "sandwiched" between the aces. While the spectator is looking at his card and showing it to other people, make another finger break under the top card in the deck (The black ace you didn't put down).
5. Now take the three cards on the table, making sure the red ace is on top, and put them on top of the deck (finger break still there).
*This is a good time to do a magical pass/action/word
6. Now lift up the four cards above the break (the audience thinks you're lifting up three) and flip them over, putting them back on top of the deck.
7. On top of the deck is the two black aces with nothing in between them! Keep the rest of the deck squared so they don't see the face up red ace under the spectator's card. Make a remark about the spec.'s card disappearing, while you're cut the deck in the middle and putting the bottom part of the deck on top.
8. Spread the deck on the table and point out the two face up red aces with a card in between. Flip up that card and show the spec. the card that he picked!