The Jumping Card
Effect: Spectator chooses a card at random, initials it, puts it on top of the deck, cuts the deck then shuffles it, and when the magician snaps the card magically goes to the top of the deck. Then the magician tells the spectator what the chosen card was.
Card Trick: Fan out the deck, and have a spectator choose any card. Tell the spectator to show the card to the audience but don't let you see it. Hand the spectator a marker and tell him/her to put his/her initials on the card,
nd put the card on top of the deck. Square up the deck and secretly palm the spectators card while distracting him/her by saying how the cards in that deck have a strange way of jumping to different places in the deck. Tell the spectator to cut the deck and shuffle the deck. While the spectator is cutting and shuffling the deck glimpse at the palmed card, and memorize it. When the spectator is finished take the deck in your left hand, bring it to the right hand, and put the palmed card on top of the deck while squaring it. Then snap your fingers and have the spectator take the top card, which is the card he/she chose and initialed. Then tell the spectator what his/her card is.