Mind Reader II

Effect: This is just a variation of the trick Mind Reader, submitted by James Blackie.

Card Trick:

1. Get the spectator to shuffle the deck.

2. Take the deck and put it in your back pocket, making sure you glimpse the bottom card on the deck.(say its the 3 of hearts)

3. Ask the spectator to pick any two suits from hearts, clubs, spades or diamonds. If he picks hearts and spades, you say "Ok, hearts and spades." If he picks diamonds and
lubs then you would say "Ok, that leaves the hearts and spades." No matter what they choose, make sure hearts is selected.

4. Ask them to pick one of the two suits (make sure hearts is the one remaining).

5. Tell them the cards are arranged in sequence from two to eight and nine to ace, then ask them to pick one of the groups. (make sure they end up choosing two to eight).

6. The cards in sequence two to eight are arranged two to five and six to eight, pick one (make sure they are left with two to five)

7. In the sequence two to five pick either the two and the three or the four and the five. (make sure they are left with two and three.)

8. From the two and the three of hearts select one. (make sure they end up with the three of hearts)

Ending variations:

9a. Tell them you will produce the three of hearts but first they must pick a number from 1 to 10. Then reach into your back pocket and count off from the top of the deck, the number of cards they have chosen, one at a time throwing them on the table, face up. Then tell them that the next card you throw on the table should be the three of hearts, reach into your pocket and take the three of hearts off the bottom of the deck, and throw it face up on the table.


9b. Tell them the three of hearts has a way of disappearing. Proceed to take all of the deck except the three of hearts out of your back pocket for the spectator to examine. Of course the three of hearts will not be found.


9c. Tell them the three of hearts is very much an individual. When reaching into your back pocket for the deck, take the three off the bottom and flip it over, inserting it into the middle of the deck. Present the deck to the spectator and tell him to look for himself. (you must have loose pockets for this variation to work properly)

10. Trick may be repeated. If the spectator looks at the bottom card before returning the deck to you,(step 1) just tell him you don't think he shuffled the deck enough, and shuffle it yourself, sneaking a peek at the new bottom card as you do so. You may repeat the trick using each of the variations if you wish, for an added effect. Pockets are not a necessity, as tricks 9a and 9c can be performed behind your back.

