Math is Beautiful

Effect: This trick is a math trick. You make alot of piles, have someone choose 3 of them. Have them mix around the piles while you're not looking, then flip over the top 2 cards of 2 of the piles and then tell them the top card of the 3rd deck.

Card Trick: You need a complete deck (52 cards). You make as many piles as you can following this pattern:

You put these piles face up, you then flip a card... from that card number you count up to King(13). So if you flipp
d a 4 you'd count the next card as 5 the next as 6 up until King(13). An ACE counts as a 1. You make as many piles as possible, if your last pile cannot be made to go up to 13 you keep it in your hand. After that you tell the person to select 3 piles, recommending them not to choose the small piles. After they choose them you take away the rest and add them to the pile in your hand or just make a pile out of them if there were no cards left from you making the piles. Then you sell them to move around the piles to make it harder for you (although it doesn't matter). You flip over the top card of 2 of the 3 piles. Add the number of each of the 2 cards up, then add 10 to that total number. If the cards were an ACE(1) and a JACK(11) you'd add 10 and get 22. You then count out (in your head) the number you got from the last step out of the pile in your hand. Then after you reach that number you restart the count, what you count out is what that top card is. So if there were 29 cards in my hand, and I got a total of 22 from the previous step the top card of the 3rd pile would be a 7.

Some tips:

- Flip over the piles after you make them, and THEN have them choose 3 of them

- Count in your head for ALL steps, then they won't know that the trick revolves around math

- When you count out the cards for the last step flip them over face up so they think you're looking through them, not counting

- Don't do the trick too many times to the same person cause they'll figure it out (like all other magic)

