Magic Partner
Effect: You fan out the cards, having a spectator memorize a card mentally. You then give the spectator the cards and have him (or her) give you a card and then put one on the bottom until he gets to the last card. That last card is the card he mentally chose.
Card Trick: Have the spectator shuffle the cards and deal ten cards face down. Tell him to fan these out and memorize any one and also its position from the right end of the fan (assuming that the cards are fanned from left to right). Have the spectator give you the cards. Put them behind your back and move three (one at a time) from bottom to top. Return the cards to the spectator and have him tell you the position of the card from the right. Have him move that many cards from bottom to top. Now, have him hand you the top card and put the next card on the bottom, and to repeat this until he gets to the last card. When he turns it over, it is the card that he chose.