A Spectator becomes the Magician.

The magician correctly predicts the value and suit of two cards selected by a volunteer !

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OK, your having a wonderful time everyone now thinks you have almost mystical powers and they insist that you perform one more card trick.

'Reluctantly' you submit to their wishes.......

"I would like someone else to take my part in this next magical feat", you say.

A volunteer steps forward.

The magician continu
s...."As you are taking the part of the magician the first thing you must do is to shuffle the deck allow me to select a card."

"Please slowly fan the card faces towards me - I will then select my card."

The cards are duly fanned and you select a card (4 Spades) and without allowing anyone to see it, place it face down on the table.

"Now, you must determine the card I have selected and you need a method of doing that."

"Deal the cards in a pile." After about ten or fifteen cards have been dealt say "You may stop dealing anytime you like."

Once the cards are dealt ask the new 'magician' to shuffle the remaining cards and place them aside.

"Please take up the dealt cards and now deal them alternately making two piles"

To make it seem as though you have invested some of your magical powers upon the new 'magician' you say "You had me select a card which you haven't seen, you dealt an unknown number of cards off onto the table, those cards were then dealt into two piles - correct ?"

At this point you turn over the selected card which is on the table front of you .

"The card which I chose was the 4 of Spades". "You as the magician must somehow show that you knew the value and suit of my card - correct ?"

You now ask the new magician to pick up and deal the cards of each pile onto the table counting them as they do (this reverses their order).

When the cards have been counted reflect upon the impossibility of you being able to know how many cards that they would put in each pile (this is a simple distraction).

Now you say "What most magicians do now is to turn over the top card of each pile, please turn over one of the top cards...."

It's the 4 of Diamonds.... "You've found the value"

"Now please turn over the top card of the other pile".

It's the 7 of Spades.... "And you also got the suit ! "

"Congratulations you really are a magician ! "


There is no preparation required for this trick.

As the deck is fanned towards you note the top two cards, let's say they are the 5 of Hearts and the King of Diamonds. You must now select either the 5 of Diamonds or the King of Hearts from the deck and place it on the table. (Do not remove either of the first two cards ! )

If the two top cards should be of the same value go through the fanning routine saying "I can't get a clear image of the card you want me to select" - have the deck shuffled again.

The rest is self working, just follow my routine as written above.

With some practice you will be able to determine which pile has the suit card on top and which has the value card on top. Thus enabling you before hand to announce that the card about to be turned over is either the suit or value card !

