Blown Away !
Two black Jacks are shown face to face, one held in the left hand and one in the right. "These two cards are known as the Jumping Jacks" announces the magician.
The cards are brought close together, the magician blows on them very hard.
In an instant the two cards reverse their positions - they are now back to back !
They appear to have spun around or passed right through each other !
Each Jack
s held at either end by the thumb and middle finger in the horizontal position.
The cards are shown clearly front and back then the faces are brought together, the magician says "These two cards are known as the Jumping Jacks, watch carefully, I'll show you what I mean."
The cards are now separated by about 1/4" (6mm). When they are together, secretly change your grip on the cards thus - your right hand fingers now grip the card in the left hand and the left hand fingers now grip the card in the right hand.
With a powerful breath of air, blow onto the two cards and at the same time pull both hands downwards with one hand passing under the other and finishing separated by about 12 inches (takes practice).
You now have two cards back to back - they have apparently passed through each other !