Fool-Proof Reversed Card
Effect: A spectator chooses a card, replaces it, turn the deck over three times in their hands, snaps it, riffles it, shuffles it, whatever then they look through the deck to find it reversed.
The Method: All you need for this are two exactly alike cards in the same deck. Place one of the cards face down in a face down deck as the ninth card from the top. Place the other either 21st or towards the extreme bottom of the deck REVERSED!! Be sure never to touch the cards yourself duri
g this trick and don't allow anyone to look through the cards for two of the same cards later, either. I find it works better if you use this deck for awhile because and extra card has unlimited uses and is hardly noticeable. Now set the deck on the table well squared and face down. Tell the spectator to choose a number between 10 and 20.(20 will not work) Tell them to count that many cards off the top of the deck, one at a time, (reversing the order) face down onto the table. Then have them add the digits together and count that many cards back off the top of the pile onto the deck. Have them flip over the next card. This is the pre-placed card. Make sure everyone (including yourself) sees it. If you messed up and this isn't the right card, they will discover the secret when they come to the wrong turned up card. Have them put this on the top of the deck and then put the others back on, too. Have them cut it however many times they want, and their card probably won't turn up, but only cut it two or three times because if it turns up too early they get suspicious. The key move is to have them turn the deck over in their hands 3 times the make them think they turned it over afterwards. Make this movement seem very important, stare at their hands intently and make sure it's three. This all adds to the effect. Now have them search through and find it. This trick is amazing to the spectator because you never touch it, and, like the name implies, is practically fool-proof. I use this almost every time I do a series of tricks.