Variation: 2 Card Monte

Effect: (This trick is best done with one person only) Magician gives the Ace of Diamonds to a spectator. Next, the magician takes the Ace of Hearts and gives that to a spectator. The spectator tries to guess what order the cards are and then the magician asks the spectator to turn the cards over. There are the two black kings in it's place!

First, set up the first four cards in this order: Ace of Diamonds, King of Spades, Ace of Hearts, King of Clubs. First, give them the Ace of
iamonds and then ask them to turn it over to make sure that it is the Ace of Diamonds. At this time, you have the perfect opportunity to pull off a double lift. Then, you show them the Ace of Hearts, flip it over, and then give them the top card which is really the King of Spades. Try to confuse them by getting them to believe that the Ace of Diamonds is now really the Ace of Hearts from a special move you did (or something like that). Then, take the Ace of Diamonds from them and give them the King of Spades again (This of course is all face down). Ask them, "without looking at the card, what card are you holding right now." This is the sneaky part. Take the card you are holding right now (the Ace of Diamonds) and switch it with the second card in the deck (that will be the King of Clubs).. You must do this while the! y are confused. Then, give them the card back and ask them what order they think the cards are in. At this point they will be completely confused and will not be able to give a good answer. At this point, tell them to flip over the cards and they will see that the cards they were holding have changed into the kings. (David Blaine did this trick on his TV special) The trick can be done with just about any cards, just make sure they're done with face cards that are opposite colors.

