Not Your Card

1 - Shuffle the deck. Fan the cards & tell the person to pick a card and memorize it.

2 - Cut off all the cards except the three bottom cards. Hold out the pile of three cards and tell the spectator to place her (or his) card on top of them. Replace the other cards on top.

3 - Show the bottom of the deck, saying "This isn't your card, right?" Turn down the deck, slide out the bottom card and place it face down on the table, remove the next card and place it on top o
the deck.

4 - Show her the next card, saying "This isn't your card, right?" Turn down the deck and secretly slip this card toward you with your finger under the deck, while with the second finger of your other hand you slide out the next card and place it face down on top of the card on the table. & place it on top of the deck.

5 - Repeat step 3 till you have placed down 6 cards.

6- Pick up the six cards and do step 4 once and step 3 two times.

7 - Show her the bottom card, telling her "That is your card."

When you get to step 7, instead of plainly flipping over the card, have the spectator make a fist and place the cards between two of his fingers so that the cards are horizontal and tell him to hold them tightly. Now, since you know that his card is on the bottom, slap your hand down on the cards, and the bottom one will always stay, which is his. When he flips it over, it usually gets a very surprised and amazed look.

