Double Turnover

Shuffle the deck. Glimpse and remember the bottom card and lay the pack on the table. Tell the spectator to remove the top half of the deck and hold it, while you do the same with the bottom half. Tell the spectator to put his (or her) half behind his back, remove any card from the pack, and bring the card to the front .

You supposedly do the same, but actually you (1) turn your half face up, (2) turn the card you glimpsed face down on top of the face-up pack, (3) remove any other
card, (4) turn it face down and (5) bring it out from behind your back. The spectator thinks this is your selected card. Tell him to look at and remember his card while you do the same. Actually, look at your card but don't remember it. Bring the pack from behind your back, holding it face up except for the card you glimpsed. Exchange the supposedly selected cards. Each of you slides the other person's card into your pack face down without looking at the card. Reach over to take the spectator's pack while turning your pack over without anyone's noticing it. Put the spectator's pack on top of yours and cut the deck (Editor's note: a little below the middle is good). Each of you names your selected card--but you actually name the card you glimpsed, not the card you took from the pack. Spread the cards. Both selected cards are face up in the deck!!

